What a great question!

In General: We believe in empowering the individual to have complete control, security & freedom.

We do this by always providing the simplest products & services that address a critical need. By creating Products & services that always collaborate with others. By always fully informing our customers so that they can make educated decisions. Lastly, we always question the “conventional wisdom”, even our own.

We do this so well that our customers are Self-Dependent. They feel confident enough in themselves and their tools, so they can rely on them.

For hosts specifically!

We believe that as hosts you should feel empowered with freedom, control & security. The freedom to run your business how you wish. The control & security of having your own customers and consistent bookings.
We also believe these things are impossible while being strictly locked into a marketplace & that these marketplaces leave most feeling limited & helpless.
So, after years of searching & testing as hosts ourselves we decided to build a tailored solution.
BOOKLY… a simple calendar booking widget that easily allows you to accept bookings on your own website while seamlessly integrating with your other booking platforms.
We also have website templates and marketing guides that empower you to quickly get up and running. Take control with Bookly!

Break free from constraints - Stop Playing by Their Rules!

We Believe: (Our WHYs)
• Empowering individuals: Teach a man to fish not feeding him. Giving our customers the tools and options they need to be informed and do it themselves if they choose to do so.
• Freedom: Giving the customer the ability to choose. No walled gardens! Allowing our products and services to work with others.
• Control: Customer control. Customers should always feel that they have the final say and are not forced into anything. They should be well informed, so they are able to make quality decisions.
• Security: Customers should feel secure doing business with us and our products and services should give our customers a lasting sense of security and confidence.

We Value: (Our HOWs)
• Simplify: We strip away anything unnecessary. We are straight forward in design and communication. NO Bullshit! Add a dash of fun.
• Educate: We fully inform our customers, letting them know of the benefits, tradeoffs, & future implications. We use simple language that an average 6th grader can understand. We keep a beginner’s mentality. We educate our customers about complimentary services and products that would benefit them. We let our customers inform us and listen to their feedback and ideas!
• Collaborate: We make our products & services work with others. We are open to accepting input from outside sources, especially if they are of better quality than what we can provide or if we choose not to provide that service or product.
• Consistent: We always provide the same level of care and service in everything that we do so that customers can rely on us and our products & services. We follow our own conventions and standards. If we find they need to be changed, we update them on all products.
• Question Everything: Stop playing by their rules: We aren’t afraid to go against the grain. We question the “conventional wisdom”. We even question our past decisions and standards.
Our Goal: (Our What) or Our Promise
Our goal is to deliver Self-Dependence; the result of our belief in Empowerment, Freedom, Control, & Security. We let these beliefs & our values guide us to create & maintain products and services that let our customers (you!) feel confident enough in themselves and their tools to be able to rely on them.