What a rolling launch means for you

T-minus 1

Now that Bookly is approved and live as a Shopify App we are turning our attention to onboarding customers.  To ensure that we maintain high standards we are going to be utilizing a system called a rolling launch.

So, what the heck is it?

Basically, it is a way to batch or group new customers joining Bookly.  Each week or two we will be announcing the number of new hosts we will be opening up slots for. To try and be as fair as possible we will be reaching out to people on a first come first serve basis and inviting them to join.  Similar to Starlink launch for anyone familiar with that. 

What does this mean for me?

Pretty simple: Depending on limits and capacity you will sign up and either;

  1. Start using Bookly right away, or
  2. You will be put into the que and contacted when you can get started.


A great question.  We are implementing this to ensure that we are able to maintain high standards of service to all customers currently utilizing Bookly.  It also allows us to ramp up servers to match the demand which will hopefully eliminate any service blackouts. 

We know as hosts that the last thing you have time to deal with is a technical issue so that's why we are taking this slow and steady approach.  We appreciate your understanding, and we hope we can serve all of you that want to try Bookly as quickly as possible. 

Have a great week!
Gabriel Broomfield
Bookly's Founder

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