Update for Week ending 7/13/2024

It's Gabriel, founder of Bookly! We got some great news this week.

Last Week:

We began work on both the review importer and VRBO listing importer. We expect that both of those will go into testing in just a few hours and will be live later this week!

Review Importer:
This tool will automatically pull the reviews from your Airbnb and VRBO listings so that your website shows updated reviews.

VRBO Importer:
This tool allows you to pull in data to an existing listing or create an new listing simply by enter your listings VRBO URL (we already have this for Airbnb). With this you can get setup in about half the time as last nights House of Dragons episode.

Interface Updates:
We have made a few changes to the both the host facing dashboard and the guest facing elements. Some items listed below:

  • Starting the calendar on the current month vs. the month selector
  • Adding in a guests note field for easier communication
  • Making the background transparent to be more cohesive
  • Improvements to the bookings page on the host dashboard


Brand Colors:
Bookly now pulls the brand colors your specify to update various buttons within the app.

This Week:
We are working on launching a new website that we hope will better answer questions and clarify what Bookly is and who it's a good fit for. Also on the docket; implementing guest agreements prior to booking, enabling guide books to be automatically shared, and the above mentioned VRBO and Review importers.

Soft Season?
One of our customers told us that they were having a soft season as many hosts have. Em was very excited when they got a $1,400 booking through their direct booking website and saw a massive increase in web traffic. Em is now much more confident about here season.

"Taking control of your rentals to gain freedom and security is why we built Bookly."

Have a great week!
Gabriel Broomfield
Bookly's Founder

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